Monday, February 9, 2009

The Fool

It occurred to me this morning, as I continued to grapple with the decline of prosperity and values in the United States, our country is being run by fools.  I use the  word fool not in the sense of the absence of any sign of intelligence but in the sense of any sign of good sense and/or judgement. Our beloved country is being subverted from within.  The very people we have elected to serve us have become drunk with the power of leadership.  As the old saying goes, if power corrupts then absolute power corrupts absolutely.  

I know you may take exception to what I am writing and that's okay.  One thing we still have, although I don't know for how long, is freedom to express our agreement or disagreement with others - commonly called freedom of speech.  Although this seems to be in jeopardy too.  

Only a fool would give billions of dollars away with no strings attached.  Who would have thought the men and women who are supposed to be serving us would give away our money with no rules of oversight to businesses which have proven themselves to be fiscally irresponsible.  The very businesses which would turn themselves down for a loan if they applied to their own bank are welcomed by politicians with arms full of free money.  I don't know what you call that but I call it foolish.

What is foolish for individuals is foolish for groups as well.  Do they think the wisdom of the Bible doesn't apply to them?  Are the laws of wise conduct suspended for politicians?  "A man lacking in judgment strikes hands in pledge and puts up security for his neighbor." (Proverbs 17:18)  The borrower is always servant to the lender.

1 comment:

  1. So maybe the politicians aren't as foolish as they seem. Lending all of that money gives them power... or maybe they're feeling obligated to do this due to those same companies pumping millions, even billions of dollars into campaign funds, or into getting their favorite bill passed.

    I think the only people being duped here are the American public. It is, in fact, OUR money that is being frittered away. And it is the public's apathy that is the enabler.
